Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29, 2008

A New Game!

Billie grows bolder by the day--when I enter her pen carrying hay or feed, she is ready to ambush and eat out of my hands. But a real ambush it may become, so I've started waving my hand at her in that "go away" manner so I can be in charge of the scene. This gave me an idea today to try a new game, and Billie was willing to play along!

I've already been "directing" her as I move around her pen using body language that I use daily with my other horses to keep her out of startle and kick range. Today I thought to try drawing her to me with other body language that I often employ. Namely, I walked along kissing and calling to her, inviting with my hand, and she actually followed my movement! Very exciting. After doing this a few times, and going both directions around the pen, I thought I should try the brakes out, too. So I shooed her away by focusing my mental energy at her hind end, waving my arm as I sometimes do to get a horse to move at the end of a line, and she moved on and out as I hoped. I followed this with more "follow me/come here" and more "go away", finishing with the "come here". At a couple of the "come here's" I offered a piece of alfalfa cube on my bare hand, which she gently took. All good work.

This afternoon, I finally received the mustang gentling videos I've been waiting on and can't wait to learn more games/lessons to try with Billie.

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