Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 21, 2008

These are fun days.  Last week, my friend, Christy Schier, started working with Billie.  I find Christy unflappable where horses are concerned.  My favorite Christy-moment was last spring, when my horse, Ghost, was flipping out in the paddock.  He had a terrible head-shaking syndrome going on.  Sometimes when he was turned out in the paddock, which is fenced with electric wire, he would touch his nose to the wire, then go running around the pen like banshees were chasing him.  Then he'd touch the wire again, and again run around like a lunatic.  When he'd start this, I'd bring him in.  This particular day, he was really freaking me out, and I could not work up the nerve to halter him.  Christy kindly took the halter from me, walked out to the crazy horse, stood there a moment to let Ghost focus, haltered the fool, and then led him down the aisle and he was a calm horse.  Wow!
So, I knew she's be up to this task of helping me.  Here's what's happened under Christy's watch so far:  The first day, after round penning, she took Billie out of the pen and all around it.  The next day, she took Billie out of the yard and over to the stables.  Bev tells me that Billie had a few hissy fits along the way, but as I expected, Christy handled these outbursts appropriately, and made it a positive outing for my little mustang.  This really paves the way for me, and I can't thank Christy enough!

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