Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008

Did I mention that Billie is a little imp? This morning there seemed to be a lot of mess to clean up in her pen. Mostly, I was getting a lot of hay picked up with the poop, so the muck bucket filled up pretty fast. When it was rounded up on top, Billie got very interested. She pulled a few wisps of hay out--yuck. Then, before I knew it, she put her left hoof on the pile and pulled the whole thing over! Ugh! What a stinker she is!

I worked the rope on her some more today. Again, while she's eating grain I seem to be able to do anything. I can toss the rope all over her back and get no reaction. She's not as crazy about me tugging on her when I have the rope looped on her neck, but I'm working on that. I tug and let go, tug and let go, till I get a step from her. I tried a bit of the rope work when she wasn't eating, and she was more accepting than she had been the last time, so I think I'm making progress.

I really want to try a lead rope clipped to her halter soon. I can't wait to lead her around her pen--should be exciting!

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