Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 12, 2008

Progress today. I worked the girlie today, putting the halter on her and using the long rope and swinging it over her back. She was fine as usual, which is bothersome--she's fooling me. I also flexed her head each way toward her middle. At some point the little imp bit my arm--she definitely thinks she's a teenager and wants to be boss.

After a bit, I went out of the pen and decided to toss the rope over her back while I was out of range. She didn't really care for it (too bad) and so I decided that this was our de-sensitizing project for the day. ; ) I kept following her around the pen (she on the inside, me on the outside) and tossed that rope over her body again and again. Some of the time she thought she could get away by going inside her shelter; no such luck for her! I imagine anybody watching would have thought I had lost my mind and was torturing her. But I knew that when she stopped traveling around the pen and just stood for me to toss that rope over her back, I'd have progress and could stop. It took a good while, close to 30 minutes, but she finally gave up and stood for the rope.

I went out again this evening and repeated the whole thing. Charles added to it by coming out and standing at the rail. Billie thought she would find a rescuer in him, but no. I followed her around for about 5 minutes before she decided to stay in place. At that point, I put down her grain and started up again. It took just a minute or so for her to stand still (yes, she was eating) and let the rope pass over her again and again. After a couple of "standing still" and not caring times, I quit for the day. I'm pleased.

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