Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008

I feel like we are back on track. I put Billie's halter on her this morning to lead her around. We did some bring the hind and a little leading. When I led her today, I felt comfortable giving her a couple of feet of lead rope. There was the start of her being able to work off and around me, the start of ground work. Yay! Not perfection, mind you, but a start. I can stand off to the side, face her, and lead her by tapping with the whip on her rump and leading with the lead rope with the leading hand. Did I say Yay?! We worked this both directions and even had some whoa working. Double yay! This we can build on.

The difference? Before I went out this morning, I could picture myself standing in the center of her pen and sending her around me, real ground working. That's my goal.

Keeping the whip in hand helps. I can tap her rump to get her moving. Sometimes it takes a few taps before it registers, but she doesn't seem perturbed. I can use the handle end to poke at her to keep her out of my bubble--it works better than my knuckles and is easier on me. Billie does not seem worried about the whip in hand at all, but I do notice that she seems more "at attention" when I carry it--in a good way. I use it as an extension of my hand to direct her; it's working well to make her turn and move. I feel bigger when I have the whip in hand; Bev knows what I mean.

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